Coronavirus Art: Part 2

Coronavirus Art: Part 2

Like I explored last week I will be taking a look at another aspect of art that this pandemic has influenced. It has taken an effect on everyone globally in some way or another and like other time periods that have had a major defining event such as the Vietnam war in the 60's the kind of music that is being released is inspired and related to this global event.

I first wanted to look at some of the songs that are being released that are obviously related to the virus. Some of these include the songs Level of Concern by Twenty-one Pilots and 6 feet apart by Alec Benjamin which I have linked below. I like that these artists are not shy to express the toll that this virus is having on them and encouraging discussion and positive messages through song. These songs are both about not being able to see the ones you care about most. These songs really do put everything in perspective and make me realize that I am fortunate to have everyone close to me be safe right now.

Not only have songs been written by professional music artists, but there is a surge of homemade music being shared all over social media. Although these are typically just made with things they have in their houses and a cell phone camera I have been amazed by the level of production that takes place sometimes. 

I think this creativity and the positivity is something that is really inspiring and something everyone can appreciate during these boring and lonely times. We have seen the video of the people in Italy going out on their balconies to sing together and it just truly reminded me that this isn't an individual issue, or an american issue, it's a human issue we all need to work on together.


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