Coronavirus Art

Corona Art

During these strange times of isolation lots of artists are taking advantage of the current situation to work on art in their own homes. It is important for people to be sharing correct information and positive messages during this pandemic. I thought I could show some of my favorite pieces I've seen relating to the issue and what they mean to me.

I originally found the Tokyo based artist Dilara Ozden because of my love for the cyberpunk genre. The cyberpunk genre is science fiction that focuses on the way technology is predicted to be used in the future. Seeing someone who usually focuses on a somewhat unrealistic genre create something about our current situation really put in perspective for me how much this pandemic is dominating everything we do at the moment. These type of imaginative people that would rather live in a fantasy world now facing the realities that the virus is bringing us really shows how the virus has quickly become the center that everything else we do revolves around.

Another piece of art I found was this website called which allows you to hire freelance artists. I could not easily find the name of the artist, but I had to include this one because it focuses on something that I can relate to. I have someone in my immediate family who has a bad respiratory system and is therefore at risk which definitely makes everything that's going on more scary and real. I love how many people have come together to raise money and awareness for Covid-19 because it shows that we are all still human and at the end of the day we all want to band together and fight this for the sake of humanity. I have had to learn how to do certain things that this at risk person in my household usually takes care of just in case anything happens. Having those kind of talks with your family that are basically preparing for that member's death is one of the weirdest feelings I have experienced in my life. I hear so many ignorant young people right now saying that this doesn't effect them so they shouldn't worry for the sake of other people and I just wish more people knew the effect their actions may be having on others.

Hands Crossing on a Chest

All that taken into consideration, I highly suggest that anyone takes a little time out of their day to go through some of the wonderful artwork that has been created during these hard times. I simply googled Coronavirus art and ended up looking for over an hour and there is also a nice gallery of Covid-19 based artwork at this link


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