Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home Short Film

This week I decided to do another review since I enjoyed the last one I did so much on the Autodale series. This week I came across an animated short film that was roughly 10 minutes long called Home Sweet Home that was created by a group called theCGbros. This film focuses on the way that we choose our own path in life. There are two main characters in this film that are each houses. There is a younger and fresher house that decides to uproot itself from the place it was built in order to choose its own path of adventure. Along the way it meets a much older house that accompanies the younger one on its travels.

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The Younger House (right) keeping the older house (left) safe after a vicious storm

I really like the idea that inanimate objects were the characters used in this film because i don't like modelling faces in blender since I think my models always end up looking disfigured and bad. I think I can use this idea to create a character out of something that I wouldn't usually consider. We already explored the idea of this in my animation class by looking at how something like a machine without a face could possibly show emotion. In Home Sweet Home we see that the artists decided to use the windows as a way to show eyes and some expression through those. Aside from my mechanical arm animation I also experimented by using characters that don't have faces when I created my scene with the mushroom man head. Other places we see this use of inanimate objects as the main characters could be in the cars movie or even the Pixar lamp that appears at the beginning of every movie. Although this shows that idea isn't completely unexplored, I think that the idea is interesting and could be expanded upon in other films.

Image result for home sweet home short film

Overall I look to take inspiration from not only the character design but also the insanely well done storytelling aspects. Since there is no dialogue (I mean, they're houses haha) I liked seeing how the use of visuals was used to tell the story instead which Is something I need to work on in general. Not to mention that the art is beautiful and I really enjoyed every scene of this film. I look forward to watching more films from these creators!

Work Log: No work this week since I had the flu :(


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