Lighting a scene

How lighting can effect an object

Image result for how lighting changes your face

I was scrolling Instagram this week when I came across the video presented above that showed how lighting can change the look of someone's face. This got me thinking about how my lighting can change the look of my scenes. This has been something I have been struggling with for a long time and would like to get ahold of to make my scenes better and help me grow as an artist.

Image result for how lighting can change a faceI struggled finding examples of how this can effect other objects besides people but I will for my own learning assume that the same principles applies for most objects with some exceptions of course. I believe the thing that sets these individual images of the Barbie apart from one another is the difference in atmosphere that the lighting in each of these creates. For example although we know that this is the same doll in all the photos, each one portrays a difference in mood. Whether its the dark and creepier look of the bottom right, the more emotional and raw look of the bottom left or the even somewhat sensual look of the top left we can see how  a simple rotation of the camera can effect the mood of the image.  I am currently hoping that my lighting in scenes will improve even if that means that I must change my style. I realize now that all of my content has a somewhat dungeon-y low lighting darker vibe but this is ultimately from my lack of knowledge and expertise in this department that I am choosing to focus on for a bit before my next project.

This is an example of how a 3D model can be defined with lighting from a tutorial on this website that I will study further in my search to better myself.

Work log:
Monday: Sick
Tuesday: lighting and staging
Wednesday: staging
Thursday: rendering
Friday:  ---


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