Disney's History of Lawsuits

Disney's History of Lawsuits

This Week when brainstorming ideas to write for my blog post I found an old video I had seen a while back from a content creator I like called JonTron. This video in combination with some recent news about some lawsuits that Disney filed made me want to look into some of their history of lawsuits.. Although I'd seen this video before, I truly forgot how funny it was and it did get me thinking about some of the copyright claims I've seen across other platforms such as Youtube in the past as well.

WARNING: video contains explicit language and potentially offensive content

Some of the video games explored show clearly how bad these bootleg games can be and how they might perhaps tarnish the Disney characters that many fans, children and adults together love. these games can quickly become very disturbing since they probably aren't really approved by a board or anything before distribution.
Image result for simba hangs himself
Simba Stepping into a Noose when you lose in a bootleg game called Timon & Pumba Lion King 5

Image result for snow white and the seven clever boys
Snow White and the Seven Clever Boys

Aside from that, I began looking at both lawsuits that Disney filed, and lawsuits filed against Disney which led me into a long spiral through this Wikipedia article for over an hour about incidents that occurred at their Orlando location. Some of my favorites I read about include a man that snuck in the the restricted are of the haunted mansion and stole $7000 worth of equipment and costumes, as well as fights breaking out between guests.


One of the first things that comes up when searching for Disney lawsuits are Disney's attempts at suing knock off characters that may appear on a beach boardwalk or a a child's birthday party. Disney is understandably trying to protect their image and cannot control what these non-Disney employees do while in costume and interacting with children. Disney wants their intellectual property protected, but it's easy to see why some people would say that Disney goes overboard with some of their lawsuits.

From my research I honestly have to say that I can agree with disney on copyright claiming most of these cases. I understand that they don't want other people to profit off their characters, especially when like some of the games explored show content that can be viewed as racist, (such as one of the depictions of the boys in the snow white game) or just otherwise controversial like the noose scene in the lion king game. Other than those, Disney really seems to attack when other people are profiting off their films or characters.I genuinely think this is a reasonable thing to do as a company that wants to protect their name. This doesn't even include the amount of lawsuits filed against the company that seem to outnumber ones they file against other people.

Work Log: Started a new project and made a few types of new modeled clothes for potential characters in the future. Also Troubleshooting for my old Mushroom Man project


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