What I learned from my classmates

What I learned this marking period from my peers

Bakhshi: I looked at what Bakhshi is that with the combination of multiple media forms you can create effects that aren't achievable otherwise. Since I like to do traditional drawing as well as my modelling, I think this could be something that I look into doing but a setback I can think of is that I am not familiar with Photoshop or any other photo editing software.  I think despite my knowledge with any programs I could find a plausible way to put something together. This could be a thing to research for the future.

Vivian: I really enjoyed Vivian's drawings that she made as a preface to her animation. The drawings inspired me on their own as traditional artwork and were quite beautiful. Not only did this inspire me but I like the still image animation technique she is using to show the passage of time in her artwork. I felt that she also had a good way of portraying the theme she chose and I think through the watercolor paintings and the animations she did a good job showing this. 

Sophia: Watching Sophia's films in class made me laugh and was a total change of pace from what everyone else seemed to be doing. She truly knew how to have a good time with our time inside and outside of class. The total nonsensical nature made the films abstract and almost satirical in nature which I loved since I enjoy poking fun at modern art since I can't fathom what causes people to create these things sometimes. The editing of these videos makes them all the more fun a crazy to watch as well. In addition to her crazy films, I like her photography too, especially the ones that create a more psychedelic atmosphere.

Kristina: I think Kristina's videos might have been my favorite work to look at this marking period just because of how beautifully she makes her scenes even though they're low budget and simply made. unfortunately due to some technical issues I cannot include any examples of her work right now but I will edit this as soon as I am able to resolve the issue. Kristina's camera work and directing create a really professional atmosphere that I think is far above anything I could do. Her work stands out to me because of her use of artistic abilities and camera angles and creative scenes. I really look forward to seeing what she does in the future even though film isn't my specialty.

Sean: I love that instead of creating the films themselves that Sean exclusively writes scripts. From the script that we did a group reading of , I'm very impressed with the level of creativity and imagination it must have taken him to create this. I can't wait to do more readings of his work!


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