Text and Image design study

Image result for shepard fairey

Shepard Fairey

Shepard Fairey is one of the most influential artists of this time period due to not only his art but the political messages behind a lot of it. Among his Andre the Giant painting and his Obama political campaign poster which won the Brit Insurance Design of the year Award in 2009. Aside from the Barack Obama portrait many of his other works feature phrases that are political in nature such as "Make art not war" and "we the future rise to rewrite the law" and "Power to the polls"


Image result for shepard fairey
Image result for shepard faireySomething I like about the Shepard Fairey's art aside from the simply beautiful use of composition with light and and shadows is how cohesive his pieces of artwork tend to be. The political statements and his use of color are really unique to his work and makes it stand out against the multitudes of other street artists. Using text alongside art can often make it even more controversial by explicitly stating the artists views, which Shepard Fairey apparently has no qualms about doing, stating his opinions openly. Even if someone were to not agree with his specific opinions, a certain amount of respect is deserved for his ability to be so upfront about his views regardless. Taking this to heart I will be bringing in some more controversial elements into some of my own art after being inspired by this and other artworks such as the Piss Christ. Whether it be positive or negative, art is supposed to stir up emotions no only among its creator, who wouldn't be creating the pieces otherwise, but also the consumers who are taking in whatever is presented to them.


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